23/24 School Year Information for Returning Families

Instagram: @plavanpanther


Looking Forward into the 2023-24 School Year…


Congratulations on a successful 2022-23 school year and enjoy summer.

 We look forward to seeing you in the fall for the 2023-24 return to school.


Monday, August 7, 2023: Aeries Parent/Guardian Portal Opens

STUDENT DATA CONFIRMATION is mandatory when enrolled in FVSD.

ALL parents/guardians of returning students MUST log in to their Aeries Portal account and verify accurate student information prior to the start of school.


**Parent/guardian contact information is utilized from Aeries including email, address and phone numbers. Information in AERIES MUST BE ACCURATE and agreements marked as read before the start of school. It is NOT necessary to print a paper copy after data confirmation is completed, as was in the past.


Use a laptop, Chromebook or tablet to access the FVSD Aeries Parent Portal. https://fountainvalley.aeries.net/student/LoginParent.aspx


Tuesday, August 22, 2023: School Office Opens 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Tuesday, September 5, 2023: Welcome Back Event!

Families are invited to campus for a Welcome Back Event including a campus tour, the purchase of Spirit Wear, sign up for PTA and more. An email will be sent in September with specific details.



Student’s classroom assignments will be available through the Aeries Portal, on Friday, 9/1 at 4:00 PM. August 7th data confirmation is necessary to view the 23-24 classroom assignment.  


Happy Summer!


Dr. Patrick Ham, Principal