If you are unsure of whether you reside in FVSD District Boundaries and/or what school your residence is zoned for, please use the school locator feature on the www.fvsd.us website under the parent tab / school locator. If a school does not pop up, you are likely located outside FVSD boundaries. Use a google search to determine your closest elementary school to see which district you are located in. You will then go to your home District Office website to determine next steps to apply for a transfer if you wish to attend a Fountain Valley School.
Keep in mind many districts start their Inter-District Transfer Application process (renewals and new) in January or February of each year. Please look up your home district to determine their particular date requirements. Our district and school offices will accept the transfer forms prior to March 1, but the earliest they will be date stamped as accepted will be March 1, 2023.
March 1-April 30th - Inter-District Transfers for families that reside outside FVSD Attendance Boundaries (RENEWALS) - once processed by home district can be dropped off or emailed to your child's school office. Email for Plavan Office: [email protected] The Inter-District window for FVSD will close on April 30th. Those families without a renewal by that date are encouraged to call their school office and let us know if your transfer is pending from your home district so that your student(s) are counted in our numbers.
March 1-April 30th Inter-District Transfers (NEW) for families that reside outside FVSD Attendance Boundaries - once processed by your home district, all NEW transfers must go through the District Office for approval. Families will be notified as soon as their transfer is accepted so they then may complete student enrollment.
February 1-March 17 - Intra-District Transfers (NEW) - If your family resides in the FVSD Attendance Boundaries and already has an approved Intra-Transfer from a previous school year, this is good until the student goes to Middle School. A new Intra Transfer does not have to be completed each year your student attends Elementary School, unless you have moved.