Food Services » Lunch Rules

Lunch Rules

Please discuss with students prior to lunch:

  • Each teacher will walk their class to their assigned lunch table and the lunch line staging area.
  • Make sure students are orderly and calm before you leave them at the tables and the lunch line. 
  • When in the lunch line staging area, stand in a quiet and polite manner.
  • Students must sit at their assigned tables.
  • Sit down to eat.  Do not kneel or stand on the lunch tables.
  • Talk quietly and use good table manners.  Do not play with the food.
  • Throw away all trash and put lunch pails in the proper area.
  • Raise hand to be excused from the lunch table.  Stay at the table until excused by the noon duty aides.  Students at clean, quiet tables will be excused first.
  • Walk quietly out to the playground.


 Have a GREAT lunch!