Parents » It's Lunchtime! Snack time! Water time!

It's Lunchtime! Snack time! Water time!

There are two options for lunch at Plavan Elementary School.  Remember, Thursdays is early dismissal, so there is no lunch during school hours (only after school for on site after school care (ESP) program enrollees), so please send two snacks for our recess/nutritional breaks in the morning and plan for lunch when students are dismissed on Thursdays.
1) Send a pre-packed lunch from home with your student(s) in the morning.
2) School Lunches are free of charge from a USDA Grant Program for the 2022/23 School Year, just have your student get school lunch from our Cafeteria by reminding them to raise their hand in class when the teacher asks.  They will then go through the lunch line and get their school lunch.  By using a lunch card (for those students in Grades TK-2) and by punching in their student ID number (for those students in Grades 3-5)   (please go to our Food Service website for menus:
Unfortunately, fast food (see the District Food Service Policy on Healthy Lunches for students) or other lunch drop off is not permitted.  Please make sure you send any packed lunches with your student in the morning at drop off.  We find that interrupting classroom instruction to deliver lunches is detrimental to the learning process. Please send a healthy snack and a refillable water bottle with your student each day whether they bring lunch from home or not.  There is a refillable, filtered water fountain on campus for student use.